Alderfer Receives Four-Way Test Award

In May 2024, Sanford “Sandy” Alderfer was honored with the Four-Way Test Award given by the Rotary Club of Harleysville, Pennsylvania.
Since the 1940’s, the Four-Way Test has been used by Rotarians world-wide to encourage personal and business ethical practices. It is held as the standard by which all behavior should be measured and is a model for the things we think, say, and do. Each year, the Harleysville Rotary Club honors local leaders who have demonstrated the principles of the Four-Way Test through their dedication to their community and profession
Clemmer Completes Term as PAA President

Sanford Alderfer Real Estate is proud to congratulate Lon Clemmer, auctioneer and real estate sales associate, on completion of his term as president of the Pennsylvania Auctioneers Association (PAA) Board of Directors.
Remembering Sanford A. Alderfer September 25, 1923 - October 24, 2022

We are saddened to share the passing of Sanford A. Alderfer on Monday evening, October 24th. Sanford was the founder of Sanford Alderfer Real Estate & Auction Company, father to Sandy Alderfer, grandpop to our team and a friend to so many. Sanford celebrated his 99th birthday on September 25th. We are grateful for his many years of leadership and involvement in the community and we will continue to honor his legacy here at Sanford Alderfer Real Estate.